Published by AMTEC on 19th Oct 2022

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund – What Do You Need to Know?

The deadlines for applications to the Farming Equipment and Technology Grant is the 31st October.

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Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2022: Last Chance for Applications

The 31st October 2022 deadline for applications to the Farming Equipment and Technology Grant is fast approaching, so the farming experts here at Amtec have compiled an article with all the information you need to know before you apply

If your initial FETF application was successful, you should have received a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA) offer. You now have until midnight on the 31st October 2022 to email your claim to

What is the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund?

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) is part of the UK government’s Farming Investment Fund. The FETF supports UK farmers with the purchasing of equipment, technology, and infrastructure to sustainably improve agricultural, horticultural and forestry productivity through a system of financial grants. The Farming Investment Fund offers these grants to cover a number of specific items, as shown in the list below:

What does the FETF grant Cover?

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund provides grants to help improve farm productivity. Farmers can apply for a grant to buy items from a set list of equipment, technology, and small infrastructure investments, so long as these purchases:

  • Improve farm productivity
  • Contribute to improved animal welfare
  • Encourage more sustainable use of pesticides
  • Improve water quality
  • Improve air quality
  • Reduce GHG emissions in line with net zero targets
  • Reduce unsustainable use of abstracted water
  • Encourage sustainable management of woodlands

Specific details and item specification lists can be found at Annex 3 and Annex 4 of the FETF handbook. It is important to keep in mind that, in order to be eligible for the grant, all items must be purchased through a supplier or manufacturer, and cannot be home built or self-made, and must also have the recognised UKCA or CE marking where applicable.

If you’ve secured a GFA offer, then you must email your claim for all eligible items for the grant scheme to by midnight on the 31st October 2022. The money you spent on eligible items will be reimbursed to you through the FETF grant scheme.

How is the FEFT different to the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme?

The FTEF is based on the previous Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme, with a handful of key changes and extensions to the eligibility list. Moreover, the value of grants available to farmers have changed under the FTEF scheme: the minimum value of claims has been reduced to £2000, while the maximum grant value has increased to £25000.

Here are some of the key differences between the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund and the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme:

• While the previous CPSG scheme was funded by the EU, the FETF grants are funded domestically by the UK government

• The minimum grant value has reduced to £2000, while the maximum grant value has increased to £25000. The FETF grant scheme is currently on its second round, and since farmers are able to make claims in both rounds, they could be eligible for up to £50000 through the scheme

• Any funding received under the previous CPSG scheme does not count towards the maximum grant value of £50,000

• Farmers, forestry owners, horticulturalists and industry contractors are all eligible to apply for grants through the FETF scheme

• The list of Items that can be applied for has been updated, and item specifications are not all the same as they were under the CPSG scheme

Who is eligible for a grant from the FETF?

Farmers, horticulturalists, and forestry owners in England can apply. Contractors are also eligible to apply, provided that they have a registered business address in England.

Those who are not eligible to apply for a grant through the FETF scheme are:

• Local authorities or other public bodies

• Crown bodies

You will also not be eligible for the grant if you apply with any items that you have already received government or public funding for. You must not apply for a grant for any Items that you have already received public funding for.

You also can’t claim back any reimbursement through the grant for items purchased from a supplier who you or your business are linked to in any way.

Any financial grant you receive through the FETF scheme must be put towards England-based business operations only and cannot be used to subsidies any related operations in other areas of the UK.

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund Deadline

If your initial application for a grant through the FETF scheme was successful, then you should have received a GFA offer to submit your claims. At this stage, you should have purchased any eligible equipment, and you should include details of costs and purchases in your GFA so that they can be reimbursed through the grant scheme.

The deadline for submitting your GFA and claiming reimbursement through the grant scheme is midnight on the 31st October 2022.


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