Published by AMTEC on 08th Dec 2022

We Find the Needles in the Haystacks

When it comes to sourcing rare agricultural machines, you could spend hours and hours scouring the internet, or you can let AMTEC source it for you, just like we did here!

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We recently sourced a rare gem in agricultural machinery for one of our customers: a Horsch Avatar. This drill was a remarkable example of its kind!

Why are we sharing this with you? It's not for sale, and we don't have another one—yet. But at AMTEC, we want to highlight our ability to secure rare and highly valued equipment like this. When you entrust us with the task of finding your next machine, we deliver, freeing up your time to focus on running your farm.

If we can't find exactly what you need, we'll come back within a reasonable timeframe with carefully selected alternatives for you to consider.

Contact us today by calling 01926 640 637, sending an email to, or by using the form on our website. Discover the ways we can help - you won’t regret it!

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