Published by AMTEC on 19th Jul 2021

Simba Solo Vs. Vaderstad Topdown

Two of the greatest min-til cultivators compared

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Simba Solo Vs. Vaderstad Topdown

Simba Solo

Dynamic and Time-tested design

The Simba Solo is an amalgamation of proven and time-tested design components. The Solo is created in association with the Simba ECOtillage system to offer a uniform mix and a fissured layer to ensure proper drainage and access following rainfall. Hence, it helps enable the increased capability for moisture compared to ploughing for undertaking equivalent cultivation effectively. 


Great speed and low draft working

A tandem disc with Terra-Grip tines or trip reset Pro-Lift tine; the machine is created for high speed and low draft functioning. Increased and better cultivation in a single pass is achieved due to a rear-mounted roll or the integral roller

The main disc-blades help cultivate the topsoil, reduce the formation of clods, and control blockage and loadings of tine. It begins the process of top-down cultivation while keeping weathered tilth at the ground level for a stale seedbed.


Consolidation of the surface

Do you know the reason behind the success of Solo? Well, it is the lower draft tine point and wing, which is instrumental in maintaining shatter through the entire cultivation width. The trailing press or the rear or mid-roll helps in consolidating the surface and providing firmness to the soil profile before and after the rear gang completes the mixing to depth. 


Weatherproof seedbed

The Simbe Solo produces weatherproof shattered topsoil conditions between cultivation and drilling while maintaining moisture beneath the surface for a quick breakdown of straw and the best creation of the forthcoming crop. 

Vaderstad Topdown

Unparalleled Performance

It is a high-pitch and versatile cultivator undertaking deep cultivation and full-fledged shallow cultivation in one go; by reducing passes, increasing capacity, curbing establishment expenditure, and preserving the moisture of the ground, it surely gives an unmatched performance. 

This next-gen cultivator is equipped with tougher tine arms, a reinforced frame, a new packer choice, and the latest hydraulics. This multifunctional cultivator works with four working zones, leading to optimized deep and shallow cultivation and efficient levelling. To say that Väderstand TopDown provided enhanced performance levels in every working zones would be apt. 


Best quality discs

The top-quality discs are made with Swedish V-55 steel to provide all-inclusive cutting and mixing of soil and crop residue. Another good thing about the discs is that you can easily adjust the discs' working depth while on the move. 


Productive mixing and loosening

TopDown effectively mixes and loosens the soil around 30cm deep. And an appropriate working depth is maintained in all conditions with the help of a 700kg stone release system. This helps in even emergence of the crop. 


Point configurator

Väderstad machinery provides a huge variety of points for tine harrows and cultivators to fulfil various farming requirements. So, you can look forward to maximizing the working efficiency in your fields with the help of the best choice of points. 


Unique multifunctional reconsolidation

Packed with versatile reconsolidation with around four different choices, it can work well during different weather conditions. 


In conclusion

To conclude, we must accept that the Simba Solo and Vaderstad Topdown are unique in their respective features. So, if you wish to buy any of the two, keep your customized needs in mind. 

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