Published by AMTEC on 10th May 2023

The Benefits of Using Farming Presses in Modern Agriculture

Farm presses are pulled by a tractor & consist of rollers that press down on the soil, breaking up clods and compacting the soil to create a uniform surface.

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Agricultural presses have been an essential tool for farmers for centuries, with many variations of the machine existing today. At AMTEC, we offer a wide range of used farm presses that are typically pulled or pushed by a tractor and consist of one or more rollers that press down on the soil, breaking up clods and compacting the soil to create a uniform surface. The use of farming presses helps to improve seed-to-soil contact and increase germination rates, which leads to better crop yields.

Types of Farming Presses:

There are several types of agricultural presses available in the market, including:

Trailed Press

Trailed presses are towed behind a tractor or directly behind a cultivator to level and cap off the soil improving the weathering and moisture retention of the soil. They typically consist of a frame with one or two row of press rings, of either cast or pressed steel. They can also have additional paddles or tines to help with soil preparation.

Front press

A front press is pushed in front of a tractor, they are predominantly used in front of a drill to level the soil and break up clods to improve the seedbed before planting.

Benefits of using a Farming Press

Agricultural presses have many benefits for farmers. The use of farm presses can help improve the quality of crops by reducing exposure to moisture, mould, and pests, which can damage or spoil them. The use of an agricultural press is a smart investment for farmers who want to optimise their crop yield, minimise waste, and increase profitability.


Farming presses are useful machines that can break up clods of earth and compact the soil in a short amount of time, making the process of preparing the soil for planting more efficient.


Agricultural presses are a cost-effective solution for improving soil weathering and seed bed preparation. Combining them with your primary cultivation system will quickly prepare your soil to cope with weather before you plant your next crop.


Agricultural presses are also versatile, allowing farmers to use them for a variety of tasks, such as soil preparation, maintenance, and landscape management.

Farm Press Maintenance

Equipment maintenance is an important aspect of farming operations for all equipment, with some machinery needing more attention than others. Regular and proper maintenance of farm presses can help improve their efficiency, extend their lifespan, and prevent costly breakdowns. Ensuring your farm press is in good working order and ready to deliver optimal performance when needed is critical. Agricultural presses are a relatively low maintenance piece of farm machinery. However, the following steps can help prolong the life of your farming press.

Cleaning and lubricating moving parts on the farm press

Cleaning and lubrication of the moving parts on your farming press every so often is essential to keep it functioning smoothly. This includes cleaning the press rings, levelling boards, and tines to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated during use. Lubricating the bearings and other moving parts with oil or grease can help prevent rust and corrosion while reducing friction and wear.

Inspecting and replacing worn or damaged components

Inspecting and replacing worn or damaged components on your farming press can prevent costly breakdowns and ensure safe and efficient operation. Regularly check the condition of your press rings, tines, bearings, and other components for signs of wear or damage, such as cracks, chips, or excessive wear. Replace any worn or damaged parts promptly to prevent further damage and ensure optimal performance. Heavy-duty farm components have a long life expectancy and won’t need replacing often.

Storing your farm press in a sheltered, dry area when not in use

Proper storage of your farming press when not in use can help prevent rust, corrosion, and other forms of damage caused by exposure to the elements. It is recommended that you store your press in a sheltered, dry area, such as a barn or shed, to protect it from rain, snow, and sunlight. Before storing your press, make sure it is clean and dry. Cover it with a tarp or another form of protective cover to keep out dust and debris. Taking these steps to store your farming press properly can help extend its lifespan and ensure it is ready for use when you need it.

Which ring is the best for a Farming Press?

Farm presses are relatively low maintenance with few parts that need replacing. Heavy-duty farm press rings have a long-life expectancy. Traditionally, the rings would be made from cast steel, but the DD press rings are now far more popular. Cousins developed an alternative known as RazorRings. These two discs are pressed face to face with a sharp leading edge. There are also other additional features that are popular on farming presses, particularly leading tines for cultivation and paddles or levelling boards that help to knock down clods of earth before pressing the soil.

How to Choose the Right Farm Press for Your Needs

Ultimately, farming presses are versatile and essential tools that help farmers optimise their crop yield, minimise waste, and increase profitability. The use of farm presses and rolls, particularly those with DD or Razor Rings, and additional features such as leading tines and paddles or levelling boards, can help improve the quality of crops. Regular maintenance of agricultural presses is critical to their efficient functioning, longevity, and prevention of costly breakdowns.

Where can I buy used farm presses in the UK?

As one of the nation’s leading suppliers of used farm machinery and equipment, we offer a wide range of used farm press, including a variety of models from popular brands, such as Cousins, Simba, Claydon, Dalbo, and more. With more than 25 years’ experience, we have the knowledge to help you get the best deal. Our 9-Acre site has hundreds of machines in stock. We’re conveniently located in central England.

Our customer-centric approach is at the core of everything we do, ensuring all the farmers that choose us as their equipment partner save time and money while making the best decisions for their needs. Contact us today by calling 01926 640637, sending an email to, or by using the contact us form on our website. Discover the ways we can help - you won’t regret it!


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