Published by AMTEC on 14th Jan 2019


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Cultivating an Appreciation for Hire

After the harvest, the first crucial step in preparing the seedbed for the next crop is cultivation. The Väderstad Carrier is a popular choice among farmers, and it's clear why. The Carrier is known for its durability, depth versatility, and an ingenious configuration of discs and packers. These components work together seamlessly to ensure optimal soil penetration and uniform tillage.

AMTEC offers a range of cultivators, from 3m to 12.25m, available for hire. Hiring equipment is an excellent choice for farmers to access high-spec machines that can keep pace with modern farming tractors and practices at a fraction of the retail cost. This is precisely why local farmer, Peter Clarke, turned to AMTEC’s (then Ellis Machinery) hire service.

The Result

Peter hired one of our Väderstad CR650 to cultivate approximately 900 acres of stubble over a two-week period and kindly allowed us to capture the machine in action from the ground and by drone! Check out the video below! Hiring proved a cost-effective tool and an excellent way for the farm to try out a new machine. 

Choose AMTEC – The UK’s leading supplier of Vaderstad farm machinery and used agricultural machinery for sale and hire in the UK 

At AMTEC we stock a great range of farm machinery brands, like Väderstad, all checked and approved by our expert team, to offer our customers the best in new and used farm machinery. Most of our range is available to hire on a weekly basis and one of the benefits of hiring from AMTEC is if you decide to buy the machine after the hire contract ends, we will take 50% of the hire cost off the purchase price! Try out our online hire calculator for a quick quote today! Alternatively, you can contact us by calling 01926 640 637, sending an email to, or by using the form on our website. Discover the ways we can help - you won’t regret it!

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