Published by AMTEC on 19th Jul 2021

Benefits of Disc Harrows

How this age old tool can be part of your tillage plans.

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Benefits of Disc Harrows

What is a disc harrow?

A disc harrow is a highly significant agricultural machine widely used to prepare the soil before sowing. It is a timeless piece of farm equipment serving different uses in farming, ranging from ground levelling with heavy soil to eradicating dead grass and preparing a suitable seedbed for getting optimum plant growth. It is an implement that is simple to use and is easily attached to any tractor for working the soil. 



Moreover, you can also use a disc harrow for killing weeds. It works by chopping up weeds with the help of its sharp blades made of carbon steel or boron discs. This helps farmers to clear any unwanted crops, weeds, or crop residue. In addition, it helps in mixing the soil, thereby facilitating a fast growth of seeds. 


Original tillage practise

A soil that is managed finely with the help of a harrow is the basis for highly productive land. Harrowing or discing happens to be one of the best and oldest practices of soil tillage to ensure the proper preparation of the soil.  Soil tilling with the help of a disc harrow helps control the weeds, recycling nutrients of the plants, and providing a soft and ideal structure for placing the seeds in the land.  

After ploughing

While ploughing cuts and inverts the soil creating ridges and furrows, disking, on the other hand, does the work of breaking up clods or crusts present in the soil. Discing is shallower compared to ploughing, and for best results, both methods should be used in conjunction with one another. It refines soil granulation while helping in the work of integrating crop remainders into the soil. 


A vital role

We can say that discs play a vital role in preparing the farmland and enhancing the yield of crops. Discing helps in breaking up the lump present in the soil without any difficulty. Thus, it provides an excellent finish to the soil, thereby making it an ideal seedbed for sowing. So, it saves you time and money in tillage and fuel efficiency and reduces labour requirements. 


A tandem disc harrow is made with four sections, while an offset disc harrow comprises two segments. You can choose the space and size of the disc blades considering your unique farming needs. While selecting the type of disc harrow, you have to keep in mind the kind of work and soil type. 



The versatility of this tool makes it relatively easy to adjust as per the type of soil for improving the accuracy and productivity of soil cultivation. 



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